Nardjas – Constantine, Algeria


Speaks: Arabic, French, English, Czech (her mother is Czech, her father Algerian)

Is practicing: Czech

Work: Medical doctor. Nardjas was a Pathologist in Algeria. In Prague, she is registering for a PhD at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine in the field of Molecular and Cell biology, Genetics and Virology.

Why attend SpeakEasy: Nadjas likes to practice her Czech, and, at SpeakEasy there are always different interesting people to meet with different cultural points of view. It is also a good place to socialize.

Tips on how to learn a language: Begin with grammar and watch a lot of TV. Try to memorize. Then start reading as well to add to your vocabulary. Nardjas comes to SpeakEasy to speak, and she practices Czech with her mom as well.

Personal: Nardjas loves dancing – from Latin salsa and bachata to belly dance.

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